template made by poohsources
Mun is 25+ and will therefore not write with anyone under the age of 18. There will be no exceptions, and lying about your age will not be tolerated. This blog will contain 18+ topics, such as suggestive content, violence, gore, and profanities. Some of these topics will be tagged with a CW (content warning).
Smut will NOT be written on this blog. I will make use of "fade to black" skip posts. RULE TWO
Activity is dependent on my mental health and private life. Please do not hound me for replies as I am trying my best. — If you wish to stay in touch otherwise, feel free to add me on Discord: decrsum#3374 RULE THREE
You are welcome to suggest shipping our Muses. I am not picky and loves romance as much as any other person. However, if our characters don't have the right chemistry, I may be hesitant to continue the ship. But there's nothing wrong with experimenting.
This blog is LGBTQIA+ friendly. RULE FOUR
Cross-overs are welcome! I may not know the fandom your Muse is from, but that could be even better for my Muse's want to either explore or go home. — Let's plot! RULE FIVE
I only follow blogs who I am interested in interacting with. Please do not get offended if I do not follow you back, sometimes I just either don’t know anything about your fandom, or I have too much on my plate right now. My inbox is still open even for those who I do not follow back, so don’t hesitate to reach out for a chat.
My inbox is always open for questions or starters, whether or not I follow you back. It’s a great way to break the ice. RULE SEVEN
I’m too old and too tired for petty and childish behavior. If you don’t like me or my content for whatever reason, then just block me to save us both the time and energy. I have ZERO tolerance for harassment. RULE EIGHT
Want to create a thread out of an inbox meme? Go right ahead! But just a heads up; if you make a new post, I may not see it. Feel free to DM me the link to the new thread. RULE NINE
Feel the need to drop a thread or archive it? No worries, just be sure to let me know so I can also archive it in my thread tracker. I will do this automatically if a thread's last reply was months ago. RULE TEN
I don't work with mains. So if you see me in a thread with a muse that is the same as yours, please don't worry. I'd still love to write with you. RULE ELEVEN
I'm OC friendly! I have plenty of original characters myself and I'd love to meet yours! RULE TWELVE
I don't have the Legacy Editor available to me, only xKit. And even then I am still learning how to use it. Please keep this in mind in case you see me not formatting or cutting my posts correctly. Sometimes I just can't do anything about it.
independent, semi-selective, semi-active
Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XV.
loved dearly by Chroma ( 25 / she/her / CEST )
. BASICS full name Prompto Argentum
also known as Prom date of birth October 25
age 20
gender male
pronouns he/him
orientation biromantic, bisexual occupation n/a
species human (?). BACKGROUND birthplace The Kingdom of Lucis
current home The Kingdom of Lucis parents n/a
siblings none
other family members n/a
. APPEARANCE hair blond
eyes blue
height 173 cm (5'8") scars several across his body
tattoo barcode on his left wrist
other remarkable features freckles. PSYCHOLOGY character traits playful, chip on his shoulder, insecure, loyal, upbeat, short attention span, light-hearted likes photography, Ignis' food, sightseeing
dislikes bugs, the dark mbti ENFP
moral alignment chaotic good

Prompto is Noctis's best friend from high school who takes photos and wants to save pictures of their road trip. Prompto is the most playful of the four, being upbeat, and easily becomes smitten with women. He suffers from an inferiority complex next to Noctis, Ignis and Gladiolus, due to his lack of nobility, and his lack of confidence. He has a lot of respect for them as friends, exchanging banter with them, often being the most talkative. Prompto is good with machines, and makes use of them as weapons.Prompto wields firearms and uses machinery in battle making him a ranged character. When controlled by the player, Prompto uses various ranged weapons that he can switch between.At age 20, Prompto accompanies Noctis, Gladiolus and Ignis on their road trip across the land toward Altissia for Noctis to marry Lunafreya, and Prompto is looking forward to finally meeting her. As depicted in Final Fantasy XV Prologue Parting Ways, Prompto comes to the Citadel the day before their scheduled departure to pick up his Crownsguard uniform, which he is to wear for the trip. He is nervous to be meeting the people in charge and affirms he has completed his self-defense training for the journey. He promises to protect Noctis, but is told to concentrate on keeping himself safe. Prompto leaves the Citadel with Gladiolus, Noctis's bodyguard and part of their friend group. Prompto wants to show his parents his new clothes, considering it proof of being worthy to go on the trip. Prompto doesn't see them much ever since he was a kid, and when he gets home he finds his parents are not there.

Prompto is a clone produced for military warfare by the Niflheim Empire. A codeprint is branded on his body as a form of identification that allows him and other such subjects like him to gain access to certain secured facilities. His biological father is said to be Verstael Besithia, the leading magitek engineer in Niflheim, but in truth, Prompto is a clone of him. Verstael wants to provide the empire with enough infants to make into a daemonified army, and thus uses his own genetic material to create them. When Prompto was a baby he was kidnapped from the First Magitek Production Facility by operatives working for the kingdom of Lucis, and brought to the Crown City. He was adopted by a common Lucian family when he was but one year old, from where he has his surname Argentum.Prompto lived out his childhood in Insomnia, the Crown City isolated from the rest of Lucis by the Wall. The empire has a long-standing conflict with Lucis, and Prompto wears a wristband to hide the branded codeprint, being insecure of others questioning about it and discovering his true identity, although Prompto himself doesn't understand what the code means.Prompto was a lone overweight boy who (seemingly) never saw his parents and had no friends. His only joy was to take photos and eat junk food. One day he treated a puppy with an injured leg, naming it "Tiny". The puppy returned to its home with Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, the former princess of Tenebrae. She noticed the name on the handkerchief Prompto had tied around the puppy's injured leg, and had her companion Gentiana investigate.
^ *( fandom )^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, faucibus vitae cursus eu, tristique sit amet arcu. Pellentesque posuere quis mauris eu aliquet. Fusce eu urna eu quam sodales venenatis sed vitae urna. Phasellus a ligula semper, elementum massa quis, vestibulum elit. Sed hendrerit, nisi malesuada vehicula pharetra, metus lacus dignissim tortor, a ornare orci arcu ut mauris. VERSE TWO
^ ( fandom )^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, faucibus vitae cursus eu, tristique sit amet arcu. Pellentesque posuere quis mauris eu aliquet. Fusce eu urna eu quam sodales venenatis sed vitae urna. Phasellus a ligula semper, elementum massa quis, vestibulum elit. Sed hendrerit, nisi malesuada vehicula pharetra, metus lacus dignissim tortor, a ornare orci arcu ut mauris. VERSE THREE
^ ( fandom )*^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, faucibus vitae cursus eu, tristique sit amet arcu. Pellentesque posuere quis mauris eu aliquet. Fusce eu urna eu quam sodales venenatis sed vitae urna. Phasellus a ligula semper, elementum massa quis, vestibulum elit. Sed hendrerit, nisi malesuada vehicula pharetra, metus lacus dignissim tortor, a ornare orci arcu ut mauris.
^ *( fandom )^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, faucibus vitae cursus eu, tristique sit amet arcu. Pellentesque posuere quis mauris eu aliquet. Fusce eu urna eu quam sodales venenatis sed vitae urna. Phasellus a ligula semper, elementum massa quis, vestibulum elit. Sed hendrerit, nisi malesuada vehicula pharetra, metus lacus dignissim tortor, a ornare orci arcu ut mauris. VERSE FIVE
^ ( fandom )^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, faucibus vitae cursus eu, tristique sit amet arcu. Pellentesque posuere quis mauris eu aliquet. Fusce eu urna eu quam sodales venenatis sed vitae urna. Phasellus a ligula semper, elementum massa quis, vestibulum elit. Sed hendrerit, nisi malesuada vehicula pharetra, metus lacus dignissim tortor, a ornare orci arcu ut mauris. VERSE SIX
^ ( fandom )*^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit velit, faucibus vitae cursus eu, tristique sit amet arcu. Pellentesque posuere quis mauris eu aliquet. Fusce eu urna eu quam sodales venenatis sed vitae urna. Phasellus a ligula semper, elementum massa quis, vestibulum elit. Sed hendrerit, nisi malesuada vehicula pharetra, metus lacus dignissim tortor, a ornare orci arcu ut mauris.
character name url, written by alias, main
character name url, written by alias, exclusive
character name url, written by alias, ship exclusive
character name url, written by alias, main
character name url, written by alias, exclusive
character name url, written by alias, ship exclusive
character name url, written by alias, main
character name url, written by alias, exclusive
character name url, written by alias, ship exclusive
character name url, written by alias, main
character name url, written by alias, exclusive
character name url, written by alias, ship exclusive
character name url, written by alias, main
. BASICS name Chroma date of birth May 24
age 25
gender female
pronouns she/her
orientation panromantic, pansexual. BACKGROUND birthplace The Netherlands
occupation college student. ACCOUNTS Mattheo Darcy decrsum, multifandom OC
Marcus Lopez Arguello brckenyouth, Deadly Class canon